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Create Stunning Visuals

At the Rocheston School of Filmmaking, we believe that a story comes to life through stunning visual effects. Each shot is carefully crafted; the colors and breathtaking compositions help in taking the audience to a different world, making it a breathtaking experience.

We are committed to training our students to create great films, by transforming them into certified professionals in cinematography.

Learn the Process of Filmmaking

Cinematography is the act of capturing visual images in space through the use of controllable elements like the quality of the film stock, the manipulation of the camera lens, lighting, framing, scale, and movement. Our courses are designed for students who wish to make a commitment to better understanding the process of cinematography.

Get Hands-on Training

Our school trains aspiring cinematographers to develop their own original visual style to realize a film best. They will receive intensive hands-on training in the technical and creative demands of shooting with film and digital cameras. This will help in shedding the amateur label, molding them into individuals that meet industry requirements.

Students will participate in several workshops and practical sessions which are a part of the course curriculum, honing their abilities to capture picturesque and aesthetic frames in a professional fashion. Students also have the opportunity to attend guest lectures and live sessions conducted by luminaries in the field of cinematography who are invited to interact with them.
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