Why should women opt for cybersecurity professions?
A recent study showed that more women are using the internet compared to men across all age groups. The reports also show that there is an overwhelming increase in the number of women falling victims to cyber threats, fraud and crimes. Online stalking has claimed 26% of the women victims while online sexual harassment has victimized 25% of women. Increase in online networking and transactions is bound to exponentially increase the percentage of cybercrime victims especially the women.
Women are ever more armed with higher education and certification credentials compared to their male counterparts in tackling cyber threats. The key areas women focussed in cyber defence are:
- Risk analysis & management
- Threat intelligence analysis
- Security engineering
While asserting themselves with their professional skills, the survey reports find that the number of women rooting for the CTO post is 5% more than men, for VP of IT post they are ahead of men by 4% and in the corporate executive level they are ahead by a whopping 9%!