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Rocheston CyberLabs

We have thousands of sophisticated and highly advanced cybersecurity challenges in our Cyber Range. The Cyber Range Sphere is available to RCCE Level 2 students.
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Test OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities

Login Details

User: rocheston / rocheston
admin: root / rocheston
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You can try these free labs online. Launch the labs directly from your web browser. Use Chrome to access these labs.

Challenge 1

Launch SQL Injection, LFI, RFI and broken access controls attacks. Compromise mysql database, ssh and web servers. Break web applications. Use lynx browser to access the web sites.
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Challenge 2

Look for cryptographic failures and use hash and salted techniques using scrypt, Argon2, PBKDF2 or bcrypt.
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Challenge 3

Threat modeling is advised for crucial verification, access control, application logic, and essential flows. Implement them.
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Challenge 4

Scan and identify Vulnerable and outdated open source components. If the program is insecure, unsupported, or outdated, there may be vulnerability-related hazards.
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Challenge 5

As more sensitive information is stored in databases, vulnerable to security breaches, data integrity concerns become essential for software. Launch sqlite and encrypt the databases and tables.
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Challenge 6

Prevent Ransomware attacks. Configure system wide data security by encrypting the folders and enabling logging.
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Challenge 7

Apply VPNs, Proxy and Tor circuits. Implement secure network traffic.
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Challenge 8

Path traversal unsafe deserialization flaws can be introduced when languages and frameworks allow untrusted serialized data to be expanded into an object, often when web applications are communicating user or saving application state.
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Challenge 9

Sensitive data exposure issues can be introduced when applications access unencrypted data, particularly personally identifiable information (PII) and other regulated data types.
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Challenge 10

Scan the directories for source code vulnerabilities as part of DevSecOps (SAST) checks. Fix the c++ code with vulnerabilities.
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Challenge 11

Generate self-signed SSL certificates and install them in Apache.
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Challenge 12

Generate RSA and ECC public / private key pairs using openssl libraries. Generate 2048 bit key with digital signatures.
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Challenge 13

Secure the sshd server and limit password authentication and enable only public-key authentication.
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Challenge 14

Use Rocheston Cybersecurity Framework (RCF) to lock down the Linux server.
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Challenge 15

Configure firewall using ufw, iptables and ip routes. Apply least privilege and permissions.
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Challenge 16

Find hidden process and ports using unhide.
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Challenge 17

Scan the server for vulnerabilities, malware and rootkits. Look for kernel and process based injections.
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Challenge 18

Implement Intrusion Detection and Intrusion Prevention using snort network sniffer. Log them to a file for later analysis. Configure the standard OWASP snort rules.
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Challenge 19

Secure the web server using WAF firewalls using mod security-apache. Configure Apache for secure deployments.
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Challenge 20

Use various tunneling techniques such as httptunnel (htc and hts), icmpshell (ish, ishd), stunnel and DNS tunnels. Use encryption in these tunnels.
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Challenge 21

Start and configure the following services dnsd, snmp, ftpd,sshd and httpd. Implement cybersecurity hygene while starting and running them.
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Challenge 22

Delete files securely so that, it is impossible to retrieve through forensic analysis. Use secure-delete tool.
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Challenge 23

Hide sensitive documents inside a photo using steganography tools like outguess and stegsnow. Detect the steganography using stegdetect.
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Challenge 24

Create password protected encrypted directory. Generate 12 character random wordlist using crunch and use hashcat to crack that encryption directory.
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Challenge 25

Be a coder. Compile programs in gcc+, python, perl and php.
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Challenge 26

Develop applications using NodeJS.
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Challenge 27

Check the system for vulnerabilities and publicly available exploits run chkrootkit. Use splint to check C programs for security vulnerabilities and coding mistakes. Use lynis to audit the Linux system.
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Challenge 28

Launch nmap scans and ARP protocol to discover and fingerprint IP hosts on the local network. Use arp-scan. Detect Port scans using portsentry. Run ZMAP to scan the entire IPv4 address space. Run sshguard to protect the server from brute-force attacks.
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Challenge 29

Run clamav antivirus on the entire Linux system to scan for viruses, malware and ransomware payloads. Use clamscan tool.
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Challenge 30

Run web based phproxy to proxy local connections to the Internet bypassing firewalls. using corkscrew tunnel SSH connections through proxies. Tunnel (ptunnel) TCP using ICMP echo requests. Use proxytunnel to reach outside destinations.
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Challenge 31

Launch Man-in-the-Middle (MiTM) attacks using Ettercap. Run Wireshark (tshark), tcpdump and sshscan.
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Challenge 32

Crack passwords using hydra, john the ripper and hashcat. Generate strong passwords using pwgen.
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Challenge 33

Launch Ransomware attacks. Compile encrypt/decrypt C++ code. See how the attacks works in real time. Work with encryption keys and bitcoin payment requests.
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Challenge 34

Assemble and disassemble software programs, executables using Radare2. Extract information like relocations symbols, and various other types of data. Edit files on local hard drives, view kernel memory, and debug programs locally or via a remote gdb server.
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Challenge 35

Launch brute-force attacks against WiFi setups using reaver and aircrack-ng.
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Challenge 36

Conduct forensics investigations using dcfldd, sleuthkit and TSK. Examine several filesystems such as NTFS, FAT, exFAT, HFS+, Ext3, Ext4, UFS and YAFFS2.
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Challenge 37

Master bash shell linux commands.
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Challenge 38

Dovecot is a Mail Delivery Agent, written with security primarily in mind. IMAPS and POP3S are more secure because they use SSL encryption to connect. Configure IMAP(143) IMAPS(993) and POP3S(995). Use mailx and mutt to send send/receive messages. Install dovecot self-signed SSL certificates and create rocheston mailboxes.
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Challenge 39

Bypass firewalls. Hide a SSH server behind a http server using sshttp. Multiplex SSH/HTTPS traffic.
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Challenge 40

Compile Java applications. Generate JAR/servlet files.
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Challenge 41

Infect the system using PHP backdoors. Move the malware into /var/www directory and access the website using lynx web browser.
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Challenge 42

Create malware payloads using Metasploit Framework msvenom. Generate payloads for asp, java tomcat, aspx, bash, php, exe etc.
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Challenge 43

Inject backdoors and spyware into Linux kernel and launch supply-chain attacks. This high intensive lab will take about 10-15 minutes to setup.
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Challenge 44

Launch denial-of-service attacks using torhammer.
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Challenge 45

DansGuardian is a web content filter that blocks content of pages based on phrase matching, PICS filtering and URL filtering. Configure and run DansGuardian with Squid proxy.
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Challenge 46

Wordpress is a web content management platform. Launch Wordpress and upload malware plugins and php backdoors. Create stealth hidden malicious Wordpress accounts.
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Challenge 47

Build and manage PKI CA using easy-rsa. create a root certificate authority and request and sign certificates including intermediate CAs and certification revocation lists (CRL).
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Challenge 48

Setup a fake DNS server with dnsmasq. Provide fake domain mapping to phishing attack targets. Trace a chain of DNS servers to the source using dnstracer. Use dnstop to display DNS traffic on the network.
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Challenge 49

Use DosBox emulator to launch classic Win 3.11. Use httrack and wget to mirror a website.
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Challenge 50

Recover deleted files from an ext3 and ext4 partitions using extundelete. Create a fakeroot environment for honeypot activities. Perform data carving using foremost and whdd.
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Challenge 51

Perform IT and Asset management using glpi framework.
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Challenge 52

Use Google's framework gtest for writing and compiling C++ DevSecOps pipeline. Google test can help you to write secure C++ codes.
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Challenge 53

GlusterFS is a scale-out network-attached distributed storage filesystem. It is used in cloud computing, streaming media services, and content delivery networks. Configure and launch GlusterFS.
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Challenge 54

Conduct vulnerability scans using Openvas security scanner. Configure scan rules and threat levels.
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Challenge 55

Use Sagan real time log analysis & correlation engine to manage IDS/IPS deployments. Configure alert rules and send them to syslog servers.
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Challenge 56

Use WebAssembly libraries to compile and run classic virtualized operating systems like MacOS 8.
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Challenge 57

Tcpcrypt is a protocol that attempts to encrypt (almost) all of your network traffic. Provides encryption to any application using TCP. Configure tcpcrypt and inspect the network traffic using tcpdump and rcpreplay.
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Challenge 58

Automate SQL Injection Penetration Testing using sqlmap. Extract the databases and crack the passwords.
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Challenge 59

Nikto is a free software command-line vulnerability scanner that scans webservers for dangerous files/CGIs, outdated server software and other problems. It performs generic and server type specific checks. Launch nikto.
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Challenge 60

Launch Phishing attacks using phishing-as-a-service framework. Deploy fake login templates and use reverse proxy tool ngrok.
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Challenge 61

Brute-force SSH, FTP, HTTPS, RDP, Web application credentials using Hydra. Attempt credential stuffing attacks.
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Challenge 62

Use WebAssembly libraries to compile and run classic virtualized operating systems like NeXTSTEP.
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Challenge 63

Add trojan backdoor to a Windows .EXE program.
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Challenge 64

RSB Reverse Shell Backdoor is a framework to control infected machines with network interactions. It's capable of sending files, run programs in the background, take screenshot, etc. Launch this tool.
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Challenge 65

A web backdoor manager in python, using PHP libraries from weevely. Exploit the system.
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Challenge 66

Generate large prime numbers and exhaust the system's memory. Launch CPU starvation attack.
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Challenge 67

Launch Distributed denial-of-service attacks. Run client and server. Control the zombies with persistent connections.
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Challenge 68

Destroy the Linux server. Delete all files and make the system unbootable.
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Challenge 69

A STUN (Session Traversal of User Datagram Protocol [UDP] Through Network Address Translators [NATs]) server allows NAT clients (i.e. IP Phones behind a firewall) to set up phone calls to a VoIP provider hosted outside of the local network. Setup and configure STUN server.
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Challenge 70

Play DOS games using Dosbox. Learn about nested virtualization here.
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Challenge 71

Modify the Kobiri Linux kernel and enable networking. Open the GUI web browser and go to

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Challenge 72

Configure and launch LDAP server using openldap. Enable authentication and access controls using LDAP in php applications.
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Terminal Manager tmux

Launch with tmux command.

Session Commands
S: List sessions.
$: Rename current session.
D: Detach current session.
Ctrl+B, and then
?: Display Help page in tmux.

Window Commands
C: Create a new window.
,: Rename the current window.
W: List the windows.
N: Move to the next window.
P: Move to the previous window.
0 to 9: Move to the window number specified.

Pane Commands
%: Create a horizontal split.
“: Create a vertical split.
H or Left Arrow: Move to the pane on the left.
I or Right Arrow: Move to the pane on the right.
J or Down Arrow: Move to the pane below.
K or Up Arrow: Move to the pane above.
Q: Briefly show pane numbers.
O: Move through panes in order.
}: Swap the position of the current pane with the next.
{: Swap the position of the current pane with the previous.
X: Close the current pane.

Midnight Commander Window Manager

Launch with mc command. Use [alt] key to access menu.